Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm horrible about remembering to take pictures...

...but I promise I'll get better!  Just did a 20% water change on the tank and scrubbed down the glass.  Getting some green algae growth on the rainbow rocks and have seen some oxygen accumulation on the bottoms of the ocelot sword leaves!  Boo algae growth but yay plant growth.  Also had to to cut back the bottoms on two of the cabomba stalks to get the current root growth closer (or into) the substrate.  Three of them have already rooted on their own.  The java moss is flourishing and I have had to split one of the sections into two pieces, moving the "new" section into a grove on the right side driftwood.  I have yet to see the hairgrass go anywhere, but I have high hopes considering how well everything else is doing in the tank!  Fairly soon I may have to rig up my CO2 reactor!

The fish and shrimp (the shrimp especially) are enjoying the fruits of my labor.  The shrimp were all out investigating the bits of flotsam from the scrub down.  The tetras all hid during the work but have come out to see what all the shrimp were doing.  By the way, I am down to 4 ornate tetras and I may leave it that way.  We'll see if I feel inclined to add any more as I get more fish for the tank.  I think the next additions will be a couple of otocinclus to help out with the green algae growth in the small pores on the rainbow rock since I see the pleco going over it but missing the smaller crevasses.  I think I will also get a school of cardinals before they go off sale price.  As many as I want to have in the tank, I would much rather pay a quarter of the price for each than full price!

Sad day yesterday...Perseus is now swimming in the pond that never ends (fish heaven, right?).  He passed while resting on his favorite fake plant.  Not too bad, he made it to his 3rd birthday.  I still personally think this was his way of getting back at me for moving him out of the "big" tank, but I can't blame him.  Don't know if I'll end up getting another betta or not.  I now have an empty bowl, but with the larger tank to take care of, it would be nice to not set up another betta for a while.  We will see if anyone strikes my fancy at work.

That is all for now.  Nutters says "Hi" from the cage, but I think it might be "Where are the snacks".  I'm not so good at translating rat...


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