...I have lost my pleco and both otocinclus cats. Sad day. On the good side of things, I did really want a bristlenose cat instead of the rubberlip, so I guess this gives me the opportunity to purchase one of those once everything is cleared up. The good news is, one of my ghost shrimp is carrying around eggs in her swimmerettes!! I mentioned to her last night as I watched her carrying the babies that she better continue making babies, because fairly soon, I will be adding the dwarf cichlids who may want to eat her babies. She paused, made a brief motion that I can only imagine was the shrimp equivalent of "the bird", and then continued on her merry way.
The tank is doing well otherwise. CO2 reactor is producing well, not ANYTHING like what I expected, but it seems to be helping the plants out. The ozelot sword is going CRAZY being in the center of everything, getting all the light and current! New growths all the time, and the other little swords are probably jealous! Moss is doing well, and I have FINALLY started seeing some extensions off of the hairgrass. It's not a quick ground cover, but it will do. I have been holding off on liquid fertilizer until the CO2 is producing better and the treatments for ich are finished. I don't want to pummel my critters to death with additives.
Tetras are happy campers and are all starting to plump out. They are getting used to the feeding routine of the net swiping through the tank with dinner. The shrimp basically hear that as the dinner bell and all come out in force! Have been feeding:
Omega One COLOR Tropical Flakes - once daily
Omega One Algae Wafers - twice a week as needed for shrimp
San Francisco Bay CO Frozen Bloodworms - once (maybe twice) a week
San Fransisco Bay CO Frozen Spirulina Brine Shrimp - once a week
Everyone loves everything, and I only limit the algae wafers because the dang shrimp will carry off large portions of them and hoard them away from everyone else. I can make sure everyone gets something to eat if things are in smaller-sized portions. I will even break down the wafers into smaller bits, but then the tetras will try to eat them instead. Damned if you do...
Wishing my pH would just go down already. I feel like I have done enough water changes with RO water to eliminate most of the old tap water from the tank. Not really sure what is holding it back from dropping, and I am rather bummed, since I had hoped to be getting closer to 6.5 by now. Currently sitting around 7.5.
That's all for now. Need to sleep, but will post again soon!
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