Thursday, December 9, 2010


Well, here is the beginning of my blog, in which I intend to fill with the doldrums of my life which you, the reader, shall follow religiously.  First blog...

Started my very first fish tank today.  Not a giant self-regulating system like the one I currently baby at work, but one with a simple "over the side" filter in which I have to do water changes manually.  Maybe when we move into a house I can have a sump...

My tank consists of:

46 Gallon Euro Marineland tank and stand
AquaClear 50 filter with sponge, carbon, and BioMax media
Marineland Stealth 200 watt heater
2 bags of Flourite planting substrate
1 bag medium brown gravel mix
2 medium pieces of driftwood
4 smaller pieces of rainbow rock

So...even after rinsing the substrates, my tank looks like someone was using it as a latrine.  Nice yellowish brown color, right?

Well...give it a few days and a few water changes.  Good it all hooked up to a power strip hiding in the right side cabinet with a timer plugged in for the light so I don't have to remember to turn it on/off.  It also helps to make sure that it never runs more than 10 hours a day...optimal for keeping my eventual algae levels down.

Goals for the tank:

South American/Amazonian-Orinoco Biotope Planted Tank
Starting with the plants in 1-2 weeks...Amazon Swords, Anubias, moss
Fish: Neon tetras, black tetras, rummynose tetras, ghost shrimp, corydoras cats, otocinclus cats, apistogrammus cichlids, starting in 3-4 weeks with some tetras

In other news, poor Perseus the Betta fish is feeling a little jealous of the tank across the room...

Can't your see the sad little pout on his face?

Pics of the other critters in the household:

Lilly, on the couch.

River, on the couch.

River and Lilly, where, but on the couch.

Dora, my female dumbo rat.

Nutters, my neutered male dumbo rat, getting a sniffdown from River. 

The fattest mouse ever born...Miss Mousie Mouse.  An adoptee who eats almost as much as one of my rats in a day.  But she's worth it, the cute little booger.

Well, that's it for tonight.  Will be uploading pictures of the tank as it progresses and the final Christmas carriage look for this year, complete with decorative hip drape!!  You know that you are totally excited about that, right?

Goodnight, all!

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